Ava’s trip to Costa Rica

Hi! My name is Ava Richman, and over the last 10 days I traveled around Costa Rica helping, adventuring and inspiring.

The first 3 days we worked with a nonprofit organization called Siempre Amigos based in Brasilito, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica.

Siempre Amigos goal is to unify the forces and energies of foreign and local volunteers to work together to reduce conditions of poverty and, in turn, forge empathy, understanding, and unification of diverse cultures, striving towards a moreequitable and just world.

Over the First three days we painted and cleaned up their local community center, made cement, painted walls, and helped construct houses that these families will live in for a long time. We also created relationships with the Ticos and people in the community. We thought the kids some English, played games, and created bonds.

Throughout the next few days we adventured through Costa Rica trying new things, stepping out of one’s confront zone, and learning about different cultures.

Our second organization we worked with was called TECHO, based in San Pedro, Costa Rica. TECHO offers an opportunity to work with a triple impact, tangible and short-term tool that generates value in the company, the environment and the collaborators.

Over the 3 days we worked together to create a water system allowing these families to get more than 30 minutes of water a day.

We also created a gutter system allowing rainwater to be used to flush the toilet, hose water, etc;

Helping these families may not change the whole world, but it can change the whole world for one person. Pura vida 🤙🤙


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