Mark shares journey scaling a global film festival for youth artists

By: Mark Leschinsky

As long as I can remember, I have been mesmerized by the magic of storytelling. Through whose lens are we seeing the story unfold? Whose voice is conveying the message that we are to understand? Pondering these questions began to explain the power and art of storytelling. As a kid, I noticed how the storyteller’s lens could shift, and a whole new narrative would be revealed. I was hooked.

Powered by a burning yearning for storytelling, I was determined to become a filmmaker and to create new pathways for understanding. At age 11, I created my first film, “The Lighthouse” (2017). It highlighted my teacher who guided his students to success, just as a lighthouse guides ships in the darkness. Creating it with only a cell phone, I was overjoyed when it was accepted to festivals. I felt heard! By thirteen years old, I had won awards for my films, propelling me further and igniting my vision.

Even though I was ultimately successful in creating films, my journey to get there was sometimes frustrating. There were times when I felt the proverbial door slam in my face, silencing my voice and my story. Among the daunting hurdles? The submission fees for film festivals. At $10, $20, and even $50 for a submission, I felt quashed. Only with exhaustive research for low-fee festivals did I get my film submitted. But this experience gave me a keener appreciation for the thousands of young storytellers across our globe who likely face the same challenge. I began to realize the severity of the issue: access to a platform to share stories (a film festival) was disproportionately limited to those with financial means. 

The more I delved into marginalization within film, the more determined I was to make a change.  It was clear to me that something needed to be done, and that's when the crazy idea hit me: why not create an entirely new film festival? 

I couldn't shake off the excitement that came with this idea. This could be a festival specifically for young filmmakers, where submission fees would be non-existent and where marginalized voices would be prioritized. I quickly scribbled my ideas on a piece of scrap paper. 

The idea quickly took hold, and before I knew it, I was pitching my vision to friends and family. At the dinner table at home, I threw around all kinds of ideas. "What if we had a panel of judges made up entirely of young filmmakers?" "Or, what if we had an awards ceremony that highlighted everyone, not just a few winners?" My parents listened intently, offering words of encouragement and support but also challenging me with tough questions like, "How will you fund this festival?" and "How will you find the venue for this?"

These were difficult questions, and there were times when I doubted whether I was up to the challenge. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that this was exactly the kind of challenge I wanted to take on. I wanted to volunteer my time and create something that would help my peers project their voices!

And so, the Student World Impact Film Festival (SWIFF) was born. The acronym was great: SWIFF!

Soon, the big week came: June 18 - 25, 2023. A week full of stories, films, and celebrating the diverse voices that encompass the artists of our world! 10,006 students registered to attend SWIFF 2023 and view the 13,868 impactful films showcased throughout the week. On Zoom, students exchanged laughs and smiles and reacted with emojis during the films—it was an action-packed week. After the event, I discovered that more than 100,000 people visited SWIFF’s website and that SWIFF’s initiatives had generated more than 2 million impressions online. My initial dream had now transformed into a global movement that had mobilized 996 volunteers globally and helped thousands of diverse student artists feel heard!

For the next generation of changemakers in the arts, remember, your unique voice and perspective are your greatest assets. Embrace the challenges you encounter and always lean into your passion for storytelling. Collaborate with peers and mentors, and remember that perseverance is key. Your creativity can inspire action, transform communities, and make a lasting impact. Believe in your vision, and take bold steps to bring it to life.


Marisa and Neha advocate against inequities in the criminal justice system